Kathleen McCabe, author of Thirty Bucks. Winner in the 2020 San Diego Memoir Showcase. Interview with Laura Engel, SDMWA Board President 

L.E.: Congratulations on your winning scene, Kathleen! In a nutshelltell us about your memoir piece for the 6th Annual San Diego Memoir Showcase. 

K.M.: Thirty Bucks” is about my son. I tell the story in his voice at a pivotal moment in his life. 

L.E.: What has been your experience taking classes/workshops and writing memoir in San Diego?   

K.M.:  I’ve taken Marni Freedman’s Memoir Certificate series at San Diego Writers, Ink, and participate in Tracy Jones Read & Critique Group. I attend the San Diego Memoir Writers Association monthly speaker meetings and have participated in their Writer’s Workshop. All of these experiences have enriched my ability to write, and I’ve also formed new friendships. 

L.E.: This year has been unsettling in so many ways. How do you think that has affected your writing?

K.M.:  I am more determined to get it done, to get many things done. I appreciate my time more and try to spend it wisely. During this time, I have far fewer interruptions and find myself focusing on my writing without the usual distractions. 

L.E.: What are you excited about when it comes to participating in the 6th Annual Memoir Showcase? 

K.M.: I am excited to see how other people respond to my writing, to my story. It is a rare opportunity.

L.E.: What advice would you give new memoir writers?  

K.M.:  Keep writing. Find a supportive group. Bring it out in the open. 

 L.E.: Great advice! Thanks again, Kathleen, and we cannot wait to see “Thirty Bucks” brought to life on the     stage Saturday, Dec. 5, at 7 p.m.!   

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