2024 Showcase is coming soon!  Do you have an idea for our theme this year?  If so submit below!

10th Annual Memoir Showcase Submissions Open Soon!

How the Memoir Showcase Works:
Submissions will be read and judged by a panel of judges. Eight to ten winning pieces will be selected (top eight to ten submissions) and notified by October that they will be in the Memoir Showcase. (These eight to ten stories plus an additional twenty pieces will be featured in the Showcase anthology, Shaking the Tree: Brazen. Short. Memoir, Volume VIII.)
Winning Showcase writers will be assigned a writing coach. Writers will work with their writing coach to refine their theme and then cut or polish their piece for approximately one month.
Note: If you do not want to refine, cut, or polish your piece with a writing coach, then this is not a good contest for you to enter.
The directors will hold auditions and select actors. Writers will then meet for a roundtable read of their pieces with their selected professional actors and their directors. Writers will have the opportunity to hear their pieces read and offer input during a collaborative discussion. The directors will take notes from the collaborative roundtable and work with the actors. The pieces will be performed on stage in winter 2024.


2023 Showcase Winners

Check out last year’s winners to get an idea of the types of pieces that were selected for the Showcase stage! 

“This One Time, in My Pot Patch,” written by Helga Roe Conkin and performed by Beatrice Crosbie

“Saving Magdi” by Ruth Hargrove featuring Melanie Mino

“Language Lessons,” written by Kathy Pease and performed by Leigh Ellen Akin.

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