Janet Hafner, author of “On All Sides”, Winner in the 2021 San Diego Memoir Showcase. Interview by Laura Engel, SDMWA Board President 


LE: Congratulations on being a winner in the Showcase. In a nutshell – please tell us about your winning memoir piece for the 7th Annual San Diego Memoir Showcase.  

JH: I was thrilled to hear that my piece, On All Sides, had won itself a place in the showcase. I was surprised because it wasn’t a first-person scene. My son had related in detail his harrowing experience and I had asked him a million questions, so I knew the experience as if it were my own. I was always relieved when Marc got to live another day and tell another story. 

LE:What has been your experience taking classes/workshops and writing memoir in San Diego?  

JH: My experience with writing memoir scenes is and has been a rewarding, satisfying learning experience. The writers in our Friday memoir group give great critiques that help you move your writing and your scenes in a more advanced way. These writers are always there to always make you feel valued. I thank Marni and all who are in the group. 

LE:These last 2 years have been unsettling in so many ways. How do you think that has affected your writing?  

JH: Yes, the year was somewhat unsettling, but I managed to stay on task with my writing. Covid didn’t seem to interrupt our group or do anything detrimental to our energy and love of writing. 

LE: What are you excited about when it comes to participating in the 7th Annual San Diego Memoir Showcase??   

JH: To have an experienced actor read my piece and add that ‘experiencing it’ dimension to it will create a sense of being there and living through the experience. On stage my words will come to life. Thank you. 

LE: What advice would you give new memoir writers?  

JH: Be brave. Be fearless. Tell your truth – that’s what attracts readers. I know how difficult it is to reveal some truths that you’d rather not talk about, but my experience has been that when I reveal the good, the bad and the ugly, I feel free. 

LE: Again, congratulations Janet, we are so excited to see your story performed on stage at the Conrad in La Jolla on Dec. 7th! 

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