Kimberly Joy, author of “Circled,” Winner in the 2021 San Diego Memoir Showcase. Interview by Laura Engel, SDMWA Board President 


LE: Congratulations on being a winner in the Showcase. In a nutshell – tell us about your winning memoir piece for the 7th Annual San Diego Memoir Showcase.  


KJ: Circled is about a young, adventurous woman who ignores her intuition and a gnawing fear in her gut before a scuba dive in the vast, open waters of Guam. When she comes face to face with a hammerhead shark, she panics, her mind spinning with futile ideas to control the situation, until she realizes, if the shark wants to attack, it will. There is nothing she can do. In that moment of acceptance, she’s filled with a peaceful calm and surrenders to what is about to happen.   

LE:What has been your experience taking classes/workshops and writing memoir in San Diego?    

KJ: I’ve had an incredibly positive experience with memoir writing in San Diego. I was fortunate to find and take the Memoir Writing Certificate course at San Diego Writers, Ink. That year-long immersion in Memoir writing taught me invaluable writing skills and connected me to a wonderful group of fellow writers. Working closely with Marni Freedman and Tracy Jones kept me connected to new opportunities in the writing community, such as the Shaking the Tree anthologies and Memoir Showcase.  

LE:This year has been unsettling in so many ways. How do you think that has affected your writing?   

KJ: My writing during the past year was more cathartic and less structured. It gave me a way to express the emotions I felt during the Covid pandemic. Being part of a Zoom writing group during the lockdown kept me tied to the writing community and gave me a place to share my ideas, thoughts, and emotions during a challenging time.  

LE: What are you excited about when it comes to participating in the 7th Annual San Diego Memoir Showcase??   

KJ: I am so grateful to Marni Freedman and Tracy Jones for their commitment to bringing memoir stories into the public eye. I’ve been to several other Memoir Showcases, where I laughed, cried, and felt humbled by the human experiences in the stories performed. I watched with awe, hoping for the opportunity for one of my stories to be in the Showcase one day. Watching stories come to life off the page is powerful, and I’m excited and proud to be a part of the action this year.  

I’m excited about the theme, But I’m Still Here and am looking forward to hearing the diverse stories that are sure to be entertaining, being in the energy of an audience, and reconnecting with my fellow writers. 

LE: What advice would you give new memoir writers?   

KJ: Take classes, join a writing community. Writing memoir can bring up lots of memories, some good and many challenging, so build a network of support that will help keep you inspired and accountable. 

LE:  Kimberly, thank you so much and congratulations again! We are looking forward to seeing your story performed on December 7th at the Conrad Prebys in La Jolla! 

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