Paul Steinkoenig, author of “Broken Tarmac,” Winner in the 2021 San Diego Memoir Showcase. Interview by Laura Engel, SDMWA Board President 

LE: Paul, congratulations on being a winner in the Showcase. In a nutshell – please tell us about your winning memoir piece for the 7th Annual San Diego Memoir Showcase.  

PS: In 2005 I spent seven months as a UN Volunteer in Afghanistan facilitating the brand-new Parliamentary Elections. I had never lived or worked overseas. On the first day of my job, the city where I was to be stationed, Jalalabad, broke out as the epicenter of anti-American violence. Due to hostile actions taken by an American guard towards Afghan detainees at Guantanamo Base, the city devolved quickly into machine-gun fire, bombs going off, and screaming crowds burning buildings. I stepped up naively to be the only UN person to enter the city on that day. 

 LE:What has been your experience taking classes/workshops and writing memoir in San Diego?   

PS: In January 2021, I jumped right in to working with Marni Freedman on an individual basis and joined one of her Reading and Critique Groups. I have loved working with Marni! 

LE:These last two years have been unsettling in so many ways. How do think this affected your writing?  

PS: Indeed, due to Covid concerns, I decided to close down a thriving DC-based construction business and found myself wondering about new directions. I knew I had stories in me that were yearning to be told. Once I started writing—and loved it—I searched for a writing coach and was fortunate to make the connection with San Diego Writers, Ink through Zoom. So, in brief, Covid created an amazing opportunity for me, and I’m pleased to have taken the leap.  

 LE: That is great Paul, and we are glad you did take that leap. What are you excited about when it comes to participating in the 7th Annual San Diego Memoir Showcase??  

PS: As a brand-new writer, this is a huge blessing to me to be included in the Memoir Showcase. Winning a position to have my writing performed as a stage play is an encouraging pat on the back. What a wonderful nudge to keep going with my memoir!  

LE: What advice would you give new memoir writers? 

PS: Jump in and do it! What are you waiting for? Get the guidance that San Diego Writers, Ink can give you and make it happen! 

LE: Thanks so much Paul! We are looking forward to seeing your story performed on stage at the San Diego Memoir Showcase at the Conrad in La Jolla on December 7th 


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