March 2, 2019. The San Diego Memoir Association’s monthly meeting featured Jeniffer Thompson of Monkey C Media, giving an engaging talk about Author Branding.

“Personal branding is a combination of authority, personal style, and visibility—it’s your reputation,” Thompson told the audience of around fifteen local writers and SDMWA members.

Thompson, outlined fifteen things writers can do right now to develop their tribes and platforms, key ingredients for a successful career in publishing.

While some audience members seemed unsure about how to create an author brand, Thompson eased concerns by addressing question in her patient and humorous tone. She made the intimidating topics of social platforms, consistent messaging, and brand visibility accessible to her audience.

The SDMWA added a new member at the meeting. Welcome Eileen Mathena to the tribe!

The April meeting will be a special event. In place of our regularly-scheduled monthly meeting, the SDMWA is encouraging all members to attend the first-ever San Diego Writer’s Festival. The SDMWA will have a table and be sponsoring many events at the Festival. We are excited to see you there! Stop by the booth and say hi!

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